
What will your company be remembered for in the next 50 years?

In order to sustain, succeed, and thrive, businesses must address environmental and social sustainability. Organisation must now, more than ever, combine people and corporate goals with governance and stakeholder’s demand. Long-term planning is the key to retaining customers, differentiating from competitors, and building a robust and sustainable organization.

We can outline what you want to accomplish and how value will be created, all while dealing with the unavoidable uncertainties and protecting what you already have. In addition to the intangible, non-financial measures of performance that are driving business sustainability, the ethical impact of business inputs and outputs are becoming increasingly critical to business success. —–offers a variety of specialised sustainability services that complement and strengthen our governance, strategy, and risk offerings.

Our Services

In VNY, we are committed to environmental and social sustainability. Our team can provide an in-depth analysis of your organisation’s sustainability initiatives as well as existing initiatives for sustainability. Then, develop an approach that meets your sustainability and business goals.

Why Us?

Our client portfolio spans a variety of industries, including mining and resources, energy and utilities, financial services, and all levels of government. Our clients benefit from our practical, tested strategy and governance expertise, which complements our sustainability offerings. Our team has extensive international experience and competence, which we offer at affordable pricing. Our services are reliable, dependable, trustworthy, and thoughtfully delivered.